Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Bakersfield Dentist Offers Brushing Tips Anyone Can Use

You know that brushing your teeth is crucial to a healthy smile but what you might not know is there's a right way and a wrong way to do it. Western Dental's Bakersfield dentist is here to help with these great tips.

Don't Over Brush

Over brushing is just as bad as not brushing enough. If you find yourself brushing more than three times a day, it could lead to issues like enamel erosion. A great way to remember your brushing time is by setting a schedule. Simply set alarms on your smartphone that will help you keep track of those daily cleanings. If you miss a cleaning, schedule a makeup time later in the day.

Brush Your Tongue

Our dentist in Bakersfield suggests including your tongue during daily brushing. After taking care of your teeth, try a few downward strokes along the tongue. This simple step can remove bacteria and debris that contribute to bad breath. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2rLO0Wb

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Downtown Bakersfield Dentist Explains 3 Ways That Stress Affects Our Teeth

We all know that stress can cause you to break out, raise your blood pressure, cause poor sleep habits, increase the risk of a heart attack, and so much more to your physical health. It doesn’t stop there either — our team of dentists in Downtown Bakersfield says your smile is incredibly affected by stress! If you have anxiety or stress, watch out for these three harmful problems that could occur in your mouth if you aren’t careful.
  • Bruxism
Bruxism is also known as grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw– and the end result is not pretty. You may not even notice it is happening because it generally will occur at night when you are sleeping. If you keep it up without a mouth guard to protect your teeth you could end up wearing down your enamel. This can cause tooth decay and will be ultra sensitive when tasting things with extreme temperatures. If you are unsure or think this might be happening with you, a dentist from the Downtown Bakersfield’s office can examine your mouth and let you know. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2jpOgcE

Bakersfield Dentist Gives Tips for 5 Common Emergency Situations

Addressing damage or injury to your teeth, gums, tongue, or lips quickly and correctly can help minimize the pain and decrease the likelihood that expensive treatments will be needed later. Here are some tips for handling common dental emergencies. In all cases, over-the-counter pain medication can be used as directed on the bottle, and contacting your local Bakersfield dentist promptly is important.

Chipped or broken tooth

Retrieve any pieces you can and rinse them in warm water. Gently rinse your mouth with warm water as well. Use gauze to stop any bleeding, and a cold compress held against your cheek or lip to minimize swelling. Contact your dentist as soon as possible. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2jpDqmQ