Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Bakersfield Dentist Offers Brushing Tips Anyone Can Use

You know that brushing your teeth is crucial to a healthy smile but what you might not know is there's a right way and a wrong way to do it. Western Dental's Bakersfield dentist is here to help with these great tips.

Don't Over Brush

Over brushing is just as bad as not brushing enough. If you find yourself brushing more than three times a day, it could lead to issues like enamel erosion. A great way to remember your brushing time is by setting a schedule. Simply set alarms on your smartphone that will help you keep track of those daily cleanings. If you miss a cleaning, schedule a makeup time later in the day.

Brush Your Tongue

Our dentist in Bakersfield suggests including your tongue during daily brushing. After taking care of your teeth, try a few downward strokes along the tongue. This simple step can remove bacteria and debris that contribute to bad breath. Read more from this article: http://bit.ly/2rLO0Wb